Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 25th - Newsletter Updates

-Fri., March 1st - Pastries with Parents—Wear Red
                           8:10-8:40—Activities in Classroom
                           9:00—Reading Month Kick Off
-Friday, March 8th—Wear Your Words—wear something with words on it
-Friday, March 15th—Move Star Day—wear your bling, boas, hats, ties, sunglasses, etc.
-Friday, March 22nd—Pajama & Popcorn Day; Half Day—Dismissal @ 11:35

Pastries with Parents is this Friday, March 1st.  This is an opportunity for you to come to school and have breakfast with your child, connect with other parents, and then come back to the classroom and engage in some fun reading activities with your child, as we kick off Reading Month.  We will be launching our Take Home Reading Folders at that time!! Please be sure to RSVP, so we can plan accordingly:)

Our Theme this year is Lights! Camera! Read! and the genre that Kindergarten will be spotlighting is Nursery Rhymes!  Please send in a flashlight for your child to keep in their book box to read with for the Month of March.  The students will be earning tickets during our Read to Self & Partner Reading times at school.

This week our class will be focusing on the 4 seasons and how they are different. We will be reading stories and poems related to the weather in each season. Here are some activities that you can do at home to reinforce what we are learning:
· Vocabulary—weather & seasons—discuss the 4 seasons and describe how the weather is similar and different. Then invite your child to draw a picture of each season.
· Sightwords—is & little
· Category Words—seasons—Discuss some clothing that your child wears in each of the 4 seasons and ask them to identify the season during which that item is worn.
· Phonics—Letters Bb & Ll—Search for things around the house that begin & end with the letters b & l.
· Beanie Baby Strategies—We will introduce Skippy Frog for Accuracy. Skippy helps us when we come to a word that we just cannot figure out; he reminds us that we can ‘skip’ the word, read on, try to use the context clues to figure it out, and then go back and reread the sentence.

This week we will continue to write a pattern book that has a question & answer sentence structure. We will also be going back to the butterfly garden to observe that changes the occur in the Winter and document our observations on our Season’s Timeline.

This week we will learn about the addition symbol and play several games involving addition. We will practice arranging 2-D shapes into different combinations on mats & geoboards. We will continue to practice writing our numbers to 100, as well a skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s.

This week we will be reviewing the 4 seasons and the weather patterns that come with each season.  In addition, we will begin learning about the Sun and it’s heating effects on Earth. We will read some books about Dental Health and reinforce the importance of good dental hygiene. We will also open up our classroom Post Office and begin writing letters and sending mail to each other as we wrap up our unit on ‘where we live.’ 

 Please be sure to return your library book on or before Friday!

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