Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 11th - Newsletter Updates

-Friday, March 15th—Move Star Day—wear your bling, boas, hats, ties, sunglasses, etc.
-Friday, March 15th—Irish Dance Assembly
-Friday, March 22nd—Pajama & Popcorn Day - Half Day—Dismissal @ 11:35
-March 23-March 31—Spring Break


This week our class will be reading stories about different kinds of weather. Your child will be predicting the weather and learning how to describe it. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing:
· Vocabulary—predict & weather—look outside with your child and try to predict what the weather will be like later in the day; try to predict the temperature and weather for tomorrow.
· Sightwords—she & was—Keep practicing reading and writing those sightwords at home.
· Category Words—weather words—Print off a blank calendar and each day have your child draw a picture and/or write a word to describe the weather.
· Phonics—Initial Kk, final ck—Help your child find objects that begin with the letter k and end in ck. Make a list of words.
· Comprehension—Key Details in a Sequence—Have your child listen to a story, then put the story’s pictures in order, numbering them 1, 2,& 3. Invite your child to retell the story.
· Reading Folders—Thanks for taking the time to read with your kids at home; as I stated during Pastries with Parents—these books are at their Instructional Level—so they will need encouragement and support with using their strategies:)  I will try to send new books home 2-3 times a week.  Keep up the great reading!!!

This week we will begin writing our own small moment stories as we zoom in on a true story that happened to us. We will be making sure we have details & feelings, as well as a beginning, middle, & end.

This week we will continue to work on 3D solid shapes, comparing lengths, addition, and building teen numbers. We will also play a sorting game called ‘What’s My Rule?’ and discuss sorting by various attributes. We also have some fun math activities related to St. Patrick’s Day—we will be graphing Skittles & Lucky Charms cereal.

This week we will begin learning about Living Things. We will be observing living things, discussing what we notice, and discovering what they need in order to survive.  We will continue to learn about weather and read several fiction and non-fiction stories about clouds.  We will also be creating our own cloud masterpieces with inspiration from the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk.

Please be sure to return your Library book on or before Friday!

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