Sunday, October 7, 2012

Newsletter Updates for the Week of October 8th

-Monday, October 15th—Delayed Start
-Tuesday, October 23rd—Title 1 Night
-Wednesday, October 31st—Halloween Party
-Thursday, November 1st—No School

The school calendar has changed!! If you printed it from the website at the beginning of the school year, you should know that there have been several changes made, so that we can follow the ISD’s common calendar. Attached to your newsletter you will find a list of calendar updates, and you can print out an updated calendar month by month from the McBain website.

Our annual Title 1 Night will be Tuesday, October 23rd. We are asking families to RSVP, so that we can plan for food—tacos! I encourage you to attend! In addition to dinner being served, each teacher will have specific learning activities set up in their classrooms, as well as handouts and materials for you to take with you to practice important skills at home. There will also be opportunities to enter into a drawing for some great prizes! Please get your RSVPs in ASAP. Hope to see you there!

During the month of October, we are collecting coins to help feed hungry children. If you have spare change, please send it to school with your child to drop in their classroom’s bucket. The class that raises the most money will receive a pizza party from Pizza Hut! Thanks for sending in those pennies!!

This week we will be reading Mice Squeak, We Speak as we work on comprehension, vocabulary, & recalling and retelling. Our focus letters for this week are O, F, Q, W, & U and we will introduce the sightwords: a & I. We will continue to work on rhyming and retelling The Itsy Bitsy Spider & Baa Baa Black Sheep . This week we will introduce another new beanie baby strategy for Comprehension: Picturing Penguin, who reminds us to picture the story in our head (visualize) as we read.

This week we will focus on identifying ‘small moments.’ We will be reading several picture books in which the author has chosen a ’small moment’ and then written it down into a story with pictures and words. We will be building on this foundation, as we look forward to sharing and writing our own ‘small moment’ stories this year in Kindergarten. We will also be reading several narrative texts related to Monsters and we will be creating some class books using our imaginations.

This week we will continue our Science Unit on Living and Non-Living Things. Last week we learned that living things grow, change, and move on their own. This week we will learn about what living things ‘need’ in order to live and grow.

This week we will focus on identifying the attributes on 2-D (plane) shapes. We will also be working on spatial relations/positional words, graphing, & different ways to make 10 (2+8, 5+5).

ITEMS NEEDED—Please send in if you have any:
1) Gallon milk jugs (empty & rinsed out) for us to use for an art project next week.
2) Old Magazines that we can look through and cut up for various projects.