Sunday, June 2, 2013

Newsletter Updates for the Week of June 3rd

-Thursday, June 6th—Early Dismissal @ 1:45
-Friday, June 7th—Last day of school
              *Awards Assembly @ 12:30
              *Early Dismissal @ 1:45

You can expect many ‘goodies’ to come home this week.  I’ll try to send a few things home each day, so that it isn’t so overwhelming.  Please be sure to check your child’s backpack each night for materials from the classroom.  Here are few things you can look forward to receiving:
-May/June Journal
-Writing Folder
-Student of the Week Poster
-Portfolio of Type 3 Writings & Class Book Pgs
-Books from your Child’s Book Box
-The Very Hungry Kindergartner
-ABC Dictionary
-Rhyme Booklet
-Nursery Rhyme Book
-Kindergarten Memories DVD
-Report Card & End of the Year Assessments

A couple students still have library books to return.  Also, I will send Reading Folders home one more time this week and then collect them.  :)

This week we will be working on blends; l blends—bl, sl, cl, fl, gl, & pl; r blends—br, cr, dr, tr, gr,&  pr and s blends—sm, sn, sc/sk, sp, st, & sw.  Our focus texts are Looking for Crabs and Machines At Work, which we will use to work on classifying and inferring.  As you make plans for summer fun, I’d like to encourage you to continue to build time for reading and writing into your child’s day.  Research shows that students lose a lot of academic growth over the summer.  They can practice writing sightwords & numbers with sidewalk chalk, in sand at the beach, or even with water and a paintbrush :) Be creative, make it fun, & keep learning!

We will finish up our small moment stories this week and work on creating personal timelines.  Students will also be editing their May/June Journals.  As you look through their portfolios and booklets they have written, notice their growth in writing from the beginning of the year to now—it really is amazing!

This week we will continue working on addition, subtraction, and telling time to the hour.  Don’t forget to keep working on math skills over the summer as well—counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s is a great way to pass the time standing in line at the grocery store, amusement park, or doctor’s office. 

This week we will wrap up our Earth Materials Unit as we investigate rocks.  We will also take some time to talk about Summer Safety.  Our friend Scrappy the Squirrel will make a final visit to talk to the students about Summer Safety.

*I would like to extend a personal ‘thank-you’ to our faithful parent volunteers!  Kindergarten is such a busy place & there is no way we could accomplish it ALL without your time and dedication! - Thank You!

It is hard to believe that the last week of school is already here! In many ways it doesn’t seem possible, yet when I look at the students—the growth and transformations that have occurred—I know it is time to send them on.  Thank you for entrusting me with your children and for your support this year!  I feel truly blessed to be able to do what I love each and every day!  Have a safe and fun-filled summer! 

~God Bless
Sherry Brinks