Sunday, September 27, 2015

Newsletter Updates for the Week of September 28th

-Wednesday, October 7th—Student Count Day
-Friday, October 9th—Progress Reports Home

Our student of the week is Mariana Mejia who also happens to be celebrating a birthday this week as well. Mariana enjoys coloring and riding her bike. She loves to eat fruit and her favorite movie and book are about dragons:)  Congratulations to Mariana on being Student of the Week!

During the month of October, we are partnering with Pizza Hut and collecting coins to help feed hungry children. If you have spare change, please send it to school with your child to drop in our classroom’s bucket.

We are currently in the process of doing our beginning of the year benchmarking assessments. Last week the students were given Aimsweb for Math and this week they will be doing DIBELS for Reading.  This week and next week we will also be going to the computer lab to complete our NWEA testing in Reading and Math.  It seems like a lot for these little ones, I know, but we will ‘learn’ the process together, and the only way to measure growth is to have a starting point:) I will share all of this assessment data with you in
November @ parent teacher conferences:)

This week our reading lessons will focus on the letters S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, & Z.  We will also be reviewing the sightwords  - I & can and practice identifying rhyming words in songs and rhymes. Our focus story for this week is Kindergarteners Can which we will use to practice building our listening and comprehension skills.  This week we will introduce two new beanie baby strategies: Lips the Fish who reminds us to look at the first letter of the word and get our lips ready with that sound to help us figure out the words while we are reading, and Jabber the Reteller who reminds us that good readers can build comprehension skills by recalling and retelling key elements from the story.

This week we will continue to practice writing our names on paper, dry erase boards, & using the Write My Name App on our ipads. The students will wrap up their September journals by writing about what happens to trees in the fall and will bring them home to share with you by the end of the week:) We will also work together to make a class book about living and non-living things.

This week we will begin reading and talking about Fall, and all of the changes that occur in Fall. On Friday, we will have a special visit from Scrappy the Squirrel who will tell us what he’s up to this time of year AND we will conduct a fun experiment with acorns. This week we will also begin our Science unit on ‘living and non-living things.’

We will focus on identifying and writing the numbers 6-9 as we continue to work on oral counting and number identification.  We will practice describing and sorting shapes, as well as identifying & extending patterns.

-Gallon Milk Jugs (empty and rinsed out) for us to use for an art project next week. 

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