Monday, December 5, 2016

Recess is a mess!!

Melting snow = wet and muddy snow clothes.  Here is the problem: Our last recess ends at 2:00 on M,W,F so the kids come in with wet and muddy clothes, take them off, and then have to put them back on in a half hour, which doesn't give them time to dry out.  Here's what I'm going to try. I'll give each student a trash bag to put their wet snowpants and gloves in to bring home at the end of the day, this way they don't have to wear them home wet and they don't have to get everything in their backpacks wet and muddy.  Please check their backpacks when they come home and take these wet items out of the trash bag to wash and/or dry.  Also, put the the trash bag back in their backpack so I can reuse it each day. :)  I don't know if this is a solution or not, but we'll try it until I come up with a better one. Once it stays cold and the snow is here to stay, that will help tremendously!  Thanks for your help with this! :)

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