Monday, February 20, 2017

Newsletter Updates for the Week of February 20th

-Thursday, Feb 23rd—1/2 Day—Conferences 4-7
              -Sledding Party at 10:30

Our student of the week is Karen Diaz. Karen likes to play outside and visit parks where she can swing and play soccer. She likes to eat watermelon, chicken nuggets, and pizza. Her favorite movie is Cinderella and her favorite book is Scooby-Doo.  When she grows up, Karen would like to visit Mexico and have a good job so that she can buy a big house. Congratulations to Karen on being our Student of the Week!

So it appears as though the weather is not in our favor for a sledding party this year. Instead of rescheduling again, we will still go ahead with our hot chocolate on Thursday and have a couple of fun activities inside.  If you volunteered to come in, I’ll plan on you around 10:30 as planned:)

March is Reading Month.  Our theme this year is Disney and our classroom movie is Alice in Wonderland.  I usually decorate the hallway, door, and bulletin boards to go with our theme. I’m in the process of collecting materials and ideas, so IF you have any thing that corresponds with Alice in Wonderland that we could borrow, please let me know. More details about Reading Month will be coming soon!

This week our class will be reading stories about how to stay safe in bad weather. Children will also learn about severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, droughts, and floods. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing.
· Vocabulary—safe & prepare—Make a list and gather materials for a weather supply kit. Include items such as a first aid kit, canned food, and a battery-operated radio.
· Sightwords—Review—practice reading and writing sightwords from memory, look for sightwords in the newspaper and/or junk mail.
· Category Words—question words—Look for pictures of severe weather in a newspaper, or a magazine, or online. Ask your child questions about each picture.
· Phonics—Review letters h, e, f, r, b, l, k & ck—play ‘I Spy’ having your child guess the names of objects that begin with these letters.
· Beanie Baby Strategy—This week we will use Flashy the Peacock who helps us Expand our Vocabulary as we find and use interesting/fancy words while speaking, reading, & writing.

This week we will finish up our individual small moment stories and practice using our strategies to sound out ‘tricky words’. Then we will edit, revise, and complete our WOW covers.

In observance of President’s Day, this week we will be learning about Presidents past and present. We will read several informational texts about Abraham Lincoln & George Washington and discuss some of the American Values that we continue to embrace today—Common Good, Equality, Justice, & Truth.

This week we will be working on measuring and comparing lengths using strings, links, and sticky notes. We will introduce subtraction and continue to work on 3D solid shapes. One of our homework assignments is to bring in 2-3 3D solid shapes from home, on or before Friday. We will use them for our math lesson on Friday and then I’ll send them back home.

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