Sunday, November 4, 2012

Newsletter Updates for the Week of November 5th


-Thursday, November 8th—Conferences 4-7

-Friday, November 9th—Fire Dept Fieldtrip 12:30

-Tuesday, November 13th—Conferences 4-7

-Wednesday, November 14th—Half Day

                          Dismissal @ 11:00

-Thursday, November 15th—No School

-Monday, November 19th—Delayed Start &

Thanksgiving Activities

-Wednesday, November 21st—Friendship Soup

-Thursday, November 22nd—Thanksgiving

-Friday, November 23rd—No School

-Saturday, November 24th—PTO Craft Show


We are planning a fieldtrip to the Cadillac Fire Department on Friday, November 9th.  Our class is scheduled to go in the afternoon, we will be leaving school at 12:30.  I am looking for a few parent volunteers to help out that afternoon.  We can take up to 5 parents on the bus, or you are welcome to drive and meet us there.  Let me know if you are available and willing to attend!

Thanks for all who brought in coins to help end world hunger.  Our class brought in $80.54 and the entire elementary brought in a total of $2,643.27.  Way to go!!
Please be sure to return your October Book-It Calendar!
Our focus text for this week is Raccoons and Ripe Corn, which we will use to work on comprehension, retelling, setting, & plot.  Our letter of the week is Gg, and we will introduce the sight words it & but.   We will introduce a new beanie this week, our first fluency beanie: Pop the Weasel; he reminds us that the sight words we know ‘pop’ out when we are reading and help us read fluently.  This week students will begin using Successmaker on the computer.  They each have a username and password and the program tracks their progress throughout the year in both reading & math.
This week we will spend a couple of days writing ‘small moment’ stories and a couple of days working on our November Journals, writing about what we are thankful for.  We continue to work on adding details to our pictures and stretching out our words when we write.
This week we will introduce symmetry and practice identifying things that are symmetrical.  We will also ‘vote’ for snack and graph the results on a bar graph.  We will continue to practice identifying and ordering numbers 1-20.
This week we will read several informational texts about America, Presidents, and the electoral process.  With the opening of deer season right around the corner, we will be talking about Gun Safety.  We will meet Eddie Eagle who teaches children what to do if they ever find a gun lying around: Stop, Don’t Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an Adult.
You should have received your conference notice last Friday.  Please be sure to return the bottom portion ASAP, to let me know your availability.  I encourage you to try to arrange your schedule, so that we can meet to discuss your child’s progress.