Sunday, November 11, 2012

Newsletter Updates for the Week of November 12th


-Tuesday, November 13th—Conferences 4-7

-Wednesday, November 14th—Half Day

                          Dismissal @ 11:00

-Thursday, November 15th—No School

-Monday, November 19th—Delayed Start &

                          Thanksgiving Activities

-Thursday, November 22nd—Thanksgiving

-Friday, November 23rd—No School

-Saturday, November 24th—PTO Craft Show

Our student of the week is Henry Baas.  Henry enjoys camping with his family, playing baseball, riding dirt bikes, and riding his four wheeler.  His favorite place to go is Monster Jam.  When he grows up, Henry would like to be a firefighter. Congratulations to Henry on being Student of the Week!

Next week will be a very busy week for us.  One of the concepts that we need to teach in Kindergarten is the idea of a ‘fair trade’ in a market economy.  To address this standard, we will be making stone soup/friendship soup.  All of the Kindergarten classes will bring in 1 or 2 of the ingredients needed for the soup.  Then each class will have to ‘trade’ some of their surplus ingredients with the other classes, in order to obtain all of the ingredients needed to make the soup.  Our class is responsible for bringing in onions, cabbage, & celery.  I will send a note home with you child tomorrow indicating which ingredient they need to bring.  Here’s what we have planned for each day next week: 

Monday, Nov. 19th: Thanksgiving Activities

· We will rotate through all of the Kindergarten classrooms to do several Thanksgiving-related activities.  This is the day that students will be trading our surplus of onions, celery, & cabbage for the other ingredients that we need.

Tuesday, Nov. 20th: Cutting up our vegetables

Wednesday, Nov. 21st: The Feast (afternoon)
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet for conferences.  I firmly believe that parents and teachers working together is what brings about student success!  I look forward to meeting with the rest of the parents tomorrow evening.
Our focus text for the next 2 weeks is Growing Vegetable Soup, which we will use to work on comprehension, vocabulary & predicting.  Our focus letter for the next 2 weeks is Tt, and we will introduce the sight words can & at.   We will introduce another new beanie this week, Iggy the Inferring Iguana.  Inferring is a comprehension strategy that we use when we use the information that we know, to predict what we think will happen next in the story.  We will practice predicting with several of our stories this week.
This week we will complete a couple of journals related to Thanksgiving.  We will be drawing and writing about turkeys and we will also write about what we have learned about the Pilgrims.
This week we will create patterned placemats and macaroni necklaces.  We will also spend time practice writing our numbers correctly and identifying ‘the biggest number’ in a set.
This week we celebrate the results of our classroom election; we will have popsicles for a special treat on Wed.  We will revisit Eddie Eagle and reinforce what to do if we ever find a gun.  We will also read several informational texts about Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving; we will track the Pilgrim’s Voyage on the Mayflower as they traveled across the sea.
Please check out my Blog later in the week for photos from the Cadillac Fire Department.  I've found it is much easier to upload them at school than from home.  I will try to post some soon.  Special thanks to Mrs. Sprague, Ms. Cornell, Max’s Grandpa, & Daniel’s Grandma for coming along and helping us stay safe and on task.