Saturday, September 7, 2013

Classroom Changes

Dear Parents,
Over the past couple of weeks we have had an influx of Kindergartners entering McBain Elementary.  This has resulted in very large class sizes for Kindergarten, which we all know is NOT ideal for such young students.  The decision was made to add another Kindergarten Teacher (Mrs. Freeland) and to take a handful of students from each of the existing classrooms to make a new class - beginning Monday.  Although this is the best option for students, it is extremely difficult to pull students from an existing classroom even after 1 week of school.  The Kindergarten teachers did NOT want to make the decision on which students stayed and which students would go to Mrs. Freeland; the office took on this responsibility so that it would be fair and ethical. Let me reassure you that although this is difficult now, we will look back in a few weeks and breath a sigh of relief that we did what was best for the students.  I will be helping Mrs. Freeland set up her classroom this weekend and get established.  There are a lot of adjustments that will have to be made in light of these changes - I will be updating the Snack Calendar later this weekend and I will wait a couple of weeks to set up a Parent Volunteer Calendar.  In the meantime, I can ALWAYS use an extra hand and you are welcome to come in any time! :)  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Sherry Brinks