Sunday, September 15, 2013

Newsletter Updates for the Week of September 16th

-Monday, Sept. 16th—Mileage Club Begins
-Friday, Sept. 20th—Book Orders Due

We are off to a good start in Kindergarten!  The students are adjusting to the routines and have done a great job with learning our classroom procedures.  Last week we spent some time reinforcing the importance of following the classroom rules, as well as how to walk in line, and how to be good listeners.  We will continue to review and practice these things together.  Students are now aware of our colored behavior chart and are working hard to ‘stay on green.’  Don’t be surprised or alarmed if your child does move their clip, as we know children often ‘test the waters’ to see if we really will hold them accountable.  I will notify you if behavior is a reoccurring issue, so that we can come up with some solutions together. :)  Thanks so much for your support!

Our student of the week is Madelyn Carpenter.  Madelyn enjoys many summertime activities—swimming, riding her bike, playing at the playground, and boating.  She also enjoys singing and dancing with her sisters.  Madelyn loves to help in the kitchen and is practicing to become a Baker when she grows up. Congratulations to Madelyn on being our first Student of the Week!
**Remember to send in your All About Me Posters!

This week we will be reading From Head to Toe as we work on comprehension skills, rhyming, and comparing & contrasting.  During literacy stations, we will continue to work on identifying letters and their sounds.  We will also practice retelling Brown Bear & The Very Hungry Caterpillar at the Retelling Station and begin using the computers by accessing  The students are enjoying reading from their book boxes during ‘read to self’ time.  This week we will introduce our very first beanie baby strategy: Eagle Eye who reminds us to look at the pictures for clues to figure out the words while we are reading.

We will continue practicing our ‘listening’ and ‘speaking’ skills during storytelling.  We will complete a journal page about a butterfly and later in the week, students will work together to create a class book about their favorite animal from our focus text: From Head to Toe.  I always reinforce with the students that when we write, we always start our letters at the top.

This week we will continue to discuss the difference between past, present, and future events.  We are patiently waiting for our butterflies to emerge from their chrysalis’ so that we can release them to migrate.  This week we will also begin our study of apples; we will be reading several books related to apples and incorporate them into our math and science lessons.

We will work on sorting various manipulatives by different attributes (color, size, shape, etc.).  We will continue to practice recognizing and writing the numbers 1-9 and counting using one-to-one correspondence.  We will also conduct an experiment related to volume later in the week.

The kitchen has asked me to pass along that they will be serving breakfast up until 8:00 and will not be serving students breakfast past that time. :(

Please note that we now have 19 students in our class and allergies include broccoli and watermelon.  Please be sure to send in 2 snacks on your child’s snack day.  We have our morning snack at the table and our afternoon snack on the carpet.