Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chocolate Bunny Fundraiser

Dear Parents:
Today your child should have brought home a flyer for the Elementary fundraiser, selling chocolate bunnies and candy eggs.  Funds that are raised will go into our Elementary Activities Account, which is used for many things, including classroom supplies, books for student use, books for staff use, and other activities.  We encourage students to get an order for at least one thing.  Every student that turns in an order, no matter how big or small the order, will get their name in a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to Meijer!  (2 names will be drawn).  The student that sells the most will also get a $25 gift certificate to Meijer. 
All orders must be turned in by Friday, February 27th, so there isn’t a lot of time to get this done!  Money must be turned in with the orders, and any checks/money orders should be made payable to McBain Elementary.  Items will be delivered by March 27th.  Please call the Elementary office if you have any questions (231) 825-2021.
Thanks for your support!
Mrs. Kim VanderVlucht
K-8 Principal

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