Thursday, May 18, 2017

Behavior - Let's Finish Strong!

Hello Parents,
I am asking for your assistance regarding a few behavior concerns.  We've been having several issues in the classroom, now that 'spring fever' has hit in full force:
-Friends saying unkind words to other friends and being very hurtful with their words
-Friends threatening to punch or hurt others in the classroom and on the playground
-And LOTS on tattling

Here's how you can help:
1) Talk with your child regarding their behavior and please remind them how important it is to be a 'bucket filler' and not a 'bucket dipper.'
2)  Talk together about some problem-solving strategies; give them some scenarios such as "what if someone called you a name, what could you do?" Help them identify things they can do to problem-solve a situation (walk away, say "that hurts my feelings," etc).
3)  Also, help them to identify when they should seek adult help.  Some things they can try to work out first on their own and then tell an adult if they are unsuccessful AND other things need adult support immediately.  If it happens in the classroom, please encourage them to tell me right away, or if they are having an issue outside of the classroom, please encourage them to find another adult right away. A lot of the issues are happening outside of the classroom (at recess, in the lunchroom, etc.) and students are waiting to tell me and/or their parents later, at which time it's very difficult to locate the individuals involved and deal with the issues effectively.  Encourage them to find an adult outside or in the lunchroom if they are having trouble at those times, then they can deal with the issue immediately and then let me and/or Mrs. Huttenga know so that we can follow up with the students involved regarding consequences.
4)  If and when your child does bring a concern to you, please be mindful of your response.  I know it's hard to keep emotions out of a situation, but kids pick up on our responses very easily, which impacts their attitudes towards school and their peers.  And of course, if they share a legitimate concern with you, please be sure to let me know.

I appreciate your help with this; our last few weeks are very busy with finishing up our curriculum, assessing, and planning for special end of the year activities.  That said, we have many fun and exciting activities coming up and I will be holding the students accountable for their behavior both inside and outside of the classroom.  I will also be contacting parents when behavior issues arise.  Let's have a great finish to a great year of Kindergarten!!!

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