Sunday, May 7, 2017

Newsletter Updates for the Week of May 8th

-Friday, May 12th—Muffins with Mom
-Monday, May 15th—Delayed Start
-Saturday, May 20th—Color Run
-Friday, May 26th—Fun to Be Fit
-Monday, May 29th—Memorial Day – No School
-Tuesday, May 30th—Kindergarten Concert @ 1:30
-Thursday, June 1st—Fieldtrip to Kettunen Center
-Friday, June 2nd—K-2 Track & Field Day (pm)
-Friday, June 2nd—Sophomore Carnival
-Saturday, June 3rd—Bike-a-thon
-Tuesday, June 6th—1/2 Day
-Wed., June 7th—1/2 Day, Last Day of School

This week our class will be reading stories about natural resources. Children will learn how they can use things in nature to create new things. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing:
· Vocabulary—natural resources & create—Discuss different natural resources with your child. For example, talk about how we use trees to create, or make new things that people use every day.
· Sightwords—where & look—Write the words where & look, then ask your child to write each word. Read the sentences together and have your child underline the words where & look.
· Category Words—foods made from grain—Find different food items in your kitchen made from grains and make a list together.  We will attempt to make homemade bread in class on Friday—yummy!
· Phonics—Long O & S blends (sl, sc, sk, sm, sn,, sp, st, & sw) — make a list of words that have the short o and long o sounds—hop/hope, rob/robe, etc. Also, think of words that have s blends in them.

This week we will begin planning and writing our 1st individual informational texts about a person, place, activity, or thing that we know a lot about. We will also experiment with digital storytelling using our Story Buddy app and try to share them with you via email.

This week we will continue to work on addition and subtraction; we will also work on ordering numbers, estimating, and weighing.

This week we will continue our study of lifecycles as we focus on reading several informational texts related to seeds & plants and conduct some hands-on experiments. Our Painted Lady caterpillars arrived in the mail last week and they are busy eating and growing, as they prepare for chrysalis stage soon.

As we prepare to wrap up the school year, we will be assessing student growth in many areas. We will be going back to the computer lab for our NWEA assessment in Reading & Math. In the next couple of weeks, students will also complete their Spring Dibels & Aimsweb benchmarking assessments, so keep practicing those nonsense words. All month long we’ll be assessing for report cards. Please make sure your child is well-rested and remind them to ALWAYS do their best! :)

A special thank you to Kruz’s Grandma for donating the tree seedlings for each of the students to celebrate Earth Day.  Also, a big thank you to Grandma Linda who faithfully gives her time each week to help us with special projects—she just helped us complete our Mother’s Day gifts.

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