Sunday, March 1, 2015

Newsletter Updates for the Week of March 2nd

-Monday, March 2nd—Reading Month Kick Off
-Tuesday, March 3rd—Dome Theater @ 9:30
-Wednesday, March 4th—NWEA Testing—Math
-Friday, March 6th—Dress Up—Fav. Sports Team

March is Reading Month!  Our Theme this year is Sports—and our class is focusing on BaseballPlease send in a baseball cap that your child can keep in their locker for the month.  We will read in our baseball caps during read-to-self time each day AND have a photo opp. where each child will be photographed as a ‘Star Reader’ for their own baseball cards, which we will display on our lockers. 
The Reading Month Committee has several fun dress-up days planned on Fridays:
*March 6—Favorite Sports Team
*March 13—I Am an Athlete & Read with a Flashlight—dress in shorts OR sports uniform AND bring a flashlight to read with.
*March 20—Favorite Athlete & Read in your Socks—Dress up like your favorite athlete &/OR Funny Socks
*March 27—Rest Day/Pajama Day
READING COMPETITION: We will be competing against the other Kindergarten classes to try to win a trip to The Wex for ice skating and broom ball.  Attached to the letter I sent home last week is a pink sheet for you to keep track of minutes read at home each week, which MUST be returned by Friday morning of each week. The class with the most minutes of reading will win the Grand Prize trip to The Wex.  If you lose your sheet please feel free to email me with your child’s reading minutes by Friday morning:)  REMEMBER to count time you spend reading to your child, time they spend reading to you, and time spent reading at home on Raz-Kids:)

*This week our class will be focusing on the four seasons and how they are different. Children will also be reading stories and poems about the weather in each season.
*Vocabulary: weather, seasons Discuss the four seasons and describe how the weather is similar or different, depending on where you live. Then invite your child to draw a picture of each season.
*Letter of the Week—Bb & Ll
*Sightwords—is, little
*Beanie Babies—We will introduce Skippy the Frog for Accuracy.  Skippy helps us when we come to a word that we just cannot figure out; he reminds us that we can ‘skip’ the word, read on, try to use the context clues to figure it out, and then go back and reread the sentence.

This week we will edit our February Journals to bring home and share.  We will be writing on opinion piece about our favorite season and why we like it.  In addition, we will begin reading some mentor texts related to ‘small moments’ as we study what it means to write a personal narrative/small moment story.

We will continue to work on identifying 3D solid shapes, reading and writing 2-digit numbers, and counting by 1’s, 5’s, & 10’s.  We will also do some adding with Little Quack and calculators and practice measuring using our feet, as we learn what exactly ‘a foot’ is.

This week we begin our Dental Health Unit. We will read several narrative and informational texts related to Dental Health and learn about the importance of good Dental Hygiene through several hands-on activities. We will also be learning about several important Patriotic Symbols this week—The American Flag, The Pledge of Allegiance, & The Star Spangled Banner. We will also learn what it means to show our Patriotism.

Please be sure to return your February 
Book-It Calendar!


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