Sunday, March 8, 2015

Newsletter Updates for the Week of March 9th

-Friday, March 13th—Dress Up—I Am An Athlete (Flashlight)
-Monday, March 16th—Delayed Start (10:00)
-Tuesday, March 17th—Irish Dance Assembly
-Wednesday, March 18th—Library

Our student of the week is Landon Kirt. Landon enjoys going to the beach and playing football.  His favorite place to visit is the Great Wolf Lodge! He loves the thrill of racing and aspires to be a go-cart racer when he grows up! Congratulations to Landon on being Student of the Week!

*After week 1, our class is currently in the lead with 1136 minutes read!! But, the other Kindergarten classes are not far behind, so keep reading & sending in those slips—Go Team!

The Reading Month Committee has several fun dress-up days planned on Fridays:
*March 13—I Am an Athlete & Read with a Flashlight—dress in shorts OR sports uniform AND bring a flashlight to read with.
*March 20—Favorite Athlete & Read in your Socks—Dress up like your favorite athlete &/OR Funny Socks
*March 27—Rest Day/Pajama Day

*This week our class will be reading stories about different kinds of weather. Your child will be predicting the weather and learning how to describe it.
*Vocabulary:  predict, temperature - Look outside with your child and try to predict what the weather will be like later in the day. Try to predict the temperature for tomorrow.
*Letter of the Week—Kk & ck—help your child find objects that begin with the letter k or end in ck. Make a list of the words.
*Sightwords—was & she
*Category Words: weather words - Make a 7-column table and write the days of the week at the top of each column. Every morning, look outside and have your child write a word under each day to describe the weather.

This week we will continue to study what it means to write a personal narrative/small moment story.  We will choose our own ‘small moment’ stories to share; which we will tell orally, then plan out onto a  graphic organizer, and then begin writing and drawing in our own booklets, as we stretch our thoughts and feelings across the pages.  It is so exciting to see their enthusiasm and confidence for writing grow!

We will work on collecting survey data using tally marks and practice reading our data results.  We will practice making fair trades with base 10 blocks as we try to reach 100.  We will also be working on measuring length using feet, rulers, and measuring manipulatives.  In preparation for report cards, we will continue to work on addition, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s, and identifying & naming 3D solid shapes.

This week we wrap up our Social Studies Unit on American Symbols and Values as we learn about The Statue of Liberty, The Bald Eagle, The White House, & The Liberty Bell.  Then we will begin our new unit—Me on the Map. We will be learning about maps, globes, and our place in the world—Country, State, & City.  Our Post Office is open in the dramatic play area for students to practice writing and addressing letters as well as sorting the mail.

Please be sure to read the informational letter attached to the newsletter about an upcoming presentation offered to our school titled Safe Body Boundaries.

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