Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 15th - Newsletter Updates

-Thurs. Oct. 25th—Half Day & PT Conferences
-Fri. Oct. 26th—Half Day (Dismissal @ 11:35)
-Wed. Oct 31st—Halloween Parade & Party
-Thurs. Nov. 1st—Pajamas & Popcorn
-Fri. Nov. 2nd—No School—PD


Our October student of the month is Bella Chamberlain.  Bella has 3 dogs, her favorite color is purple, and her favorite food is pizza.  She enjoys playing games and reading Paw Patrol books.  At school Bella is a hard worker and a kind friend to others.  She says she wants to “be a big kid” and learn about dogs when she grows up. Congratulations to Bella on being our Student of the Month.

This week our reading lessons will focus on the letter Ss and we will introduce the sightword—see. Our focus stories are Senses at the Seashore and A Feast of Senses which we will use to practice building our listening and comprehension skills. We will also introduce Poetry, as we read and listen to some poems related to our senses. Our new Beanie Baby for this week is Stretchy Snake—who helps us read new words by stretching out/saying the sounds to figure out the word; we will put this strategy to good use throughout the year while reading and writing.

We will continue to practice stretching and labeling small moment stories as we learn several strategies for spelling words. We will create an Itsy Bitsy Spider class book together, as well as a fun rhyming spider activity with partners.

We will continue to work on identifying and writing numbers, as well as oral counting.  We will also introduce number stories and learn some different strategies for solving number stories.

For Social Studies this week we will focus on Fire Safety and Prevention. We will read several informational texts related to fire safety and watch several video segments to spark our discussions. October is Fire Prevention Month; please be sure to check the batteries in your smoke detectors at home, as well as discuss and practice an escape plan with your family. In Science, we will review our Senses and how important they are in exploring our world around us. We will also read several informational texts about Spiders and learn some interesting facts.

You should have received your child’s progress report last week, as well as your note regarding parent teacher conferences.  I am looking forward to meeting with you and sharing some of your child’s Fall screening results, talk about their progress in Kindergarten, as well discuss their next steps in learning. Just a reminder that K report cards are on a different schedule and will go home November 21st.

Thanks for the great participation and support for “The Literacy Project.” We will be collecting spare change through the month of October.

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