Sunday, October 7, 2018

October 8th - Newsletter Updates

-Wed. Oct 10th—Picture Retake Day
-Fri., Oct. 12th—K Progress Reports Home
-Mon. Oct. 15th—Delayed Start
-Thurs. Oct. 25th—Half Day & PT Conferences
-Fri. Oct. 26th—Half Day (Dismissal @ 11:35)
-Wed. Oct 31st—Halloween Parade & Party
-Thurs. Nov. 1st—Pajamas & Popcorn
-Fri. Nov. 2nd—No School—PD

Last week I sent home the October Book-It Calendar along with an informational letter. Just keep track of the days that you read with your child, send back your signed calendar at the end of the month, and I’ll return your calendar with a Pizza Hut certificate. Pizza & Reading—what a great combination!


Many of the students have asked about bringing things in to share for ‘show & tell. If they want to bring something in to show/share, they may do so on their special day, when they are the helper:)

Thanks for the great participation and support for “The Literacy Project.” We will be collecting spare change through the month of October.

This week our reading lessons will focus on the letter Aa and we will introduce a new sightword—we. Our focus stories are Pouch! and Baby Animals on the Move which we will use to practice building our listening and comprehension skills. This week students will receive new materials in their book boxes that they can read during Read to Self time, which means they will be bringing home most of their books that you provided at the beginning of the year.  This is our first, of many, reading milestones that we will reach this year! The students are doing a GREAT job with our new expanded Literacy Stations and we are working on so many foundational reading skills each day—letter ID, sounds, rhyming, handwriting, retelling stories, computer skills, sightwords, and listening to stories on ipads.

This week we will work on capturing our own small moment stories—following the writing process of thinking about a story, picturing it in our heads, saying it to ourselves, sketching it on paper, and then adding labels. We are learning that in Kindergarten, we ‘write the sounds that we hear.’ This is hard for some students, as they want me to tell them how to spell words, but as we learn more sounds, the students will become more confident and independent. As they learn more sightwords, they will also add more words that they know how to spell from memory to their repertoire.

This week we will continue to study the attributes of shapes—focusing on circles. We will also be reviewing five frames and then introduce ten frames. Students will work on sorting and determining different ways to sort groups of objects as they establish ‘sorting rules.’

This week our Science lessons will focus on Apples & Staying Safe in Severe Weather. We will read several narrative and informational texts about apples, conduct some fun experiments with apples, and make applesauce on Friday. We will also learn about tornadoes and how to stay safe at home & school.

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