Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 29th - Newsletter Updates

-Wed. Oct 31st—Halloween Parade & Party
-Thurs. Nov. 1st—Pajamas & Popcorn
-Fri. Nov. 2nd—No School—PD

*Please send your child’s costume to school in a bag (labeled with their name). Students will change into their costumes after lunch.
**Please do NOT send make up or toy weapons (guns, knives, swords, etc.) to school.
***Parent volunteers, please plan to arrive by 12:15 to help get students into their costumes.
****The parade starts at 1:00 and families are welcome to watch us parade downtown—we would love an audience to cheer us on. Clifford will be joining us for our parade.
*****K will NOT be visiting the 4th grade wax museum; we will party in our classroom after the parade.

I just got word last week that our class has brought in $104 and we are fluctuating at the top for most $ brought in so far.  They will be making one last collection and count this Tuesday to determine the top 3 classes.  Stay tuned, it’s a tight competition!

Thursday we will have a mellow day of school in our pajamas and in the afternoon we will have a movie with popcorn. :)  Students may also wear slippers in the classroom, but please send in shoes for gym and proper clothing for recess.

This week our class will be focusing on the shapes we see in nature and in our neighborhoods as we read about the shapes we see around us. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we will be practicing:
· Vocabulary—materials & nature—invite your child to hunt for shapes in nature or around the house and draw pictures of them.
· Sightword—like—The handout from conferences has lots of great activities to do while learning sightwords:)
· Category Words—shapes—Play ‘I spy’ using shapes you see around you.
· Phonics—Letter Tt—Play ‘I spy’ looking for objects around your home that begin or end with the letter t.
· Beanie Baby Strategy—Picturing Penguin—He helps us visualize or picture the story in our minds while we are reading—a hard skill for Kindergartners who are surrounded by lots of visual stimuli:)


We will finish up our October journals by writing about what we are going to be for Halloween. We will also begin a new informational unit on List, Observe, & Label.

For Science, we will continue to learn about Motion in the world around us.  For Social Studies, we’ve been focusing on showing kindness, and using our words to problem solve when we have an issue with our peers.  We’ve been discussing when we should ‘tell’ and get help vs. when we need to try to work it out on our own. We will also be talking about Halloween & Trick or Treat Safety.

 *I will be sending blankets home to be washed on Thursday:)
*Please be sure to return your October Book-It Calendars:)

What a great turnout for conferences! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to come in and meet!  I am excited to partner with you as we build a solid foundation for your child in Kindergarten!!

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